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Boy in Art Class

Preschool 3's


The  3- 3 ½  year olds preschoolers  are more secure and ready for a higher level of challenge. We provide them with a lot of opportunity to explore the Learning Centers and participate in dramatic play. Your child will be introduced to letters and some letter sounds, add two groups of concrete objects by counting and begin to understand the concept of yesterday, today and tomorrow. In preschool, we begin to incorporate a more structured, consistent daily schedule and work on building a sense of responsibility and independence in our students.

Creative Curriculum

Our monthly Thematic Creative Curriculum includes Language and Literacy. Children experiment with different letter sounds and start to explore characters and story plots.They learn Social-Emotional engagement  - we employ group activities to help children learn to follow directions, take turns and develop friendships. We also use Creative Expression and show children how to clap, move and sing songs; create art by folding, cutting and coloring; and act out lyrics to favorite songs. Children dive deeper into Mathematics and explore number concepts and practice comparing, classifying and measuring. They begin using number lines as well. We look at Science and Social Studies and allow children to perform simple experiments, learn about the weather, and compare personal characteristics.  The importance of Wellness is pressed upon through practice of fine motor skills, puzzles, and fun activities that improve balance and foster fitness.

Learning Centers

Our preschooler classroom continues to expand and create new challenges in our learning centers. Our learning centers allow children to explore any areas that interest them. Each center features such skills as language and reading, construction, home living, math, fine motor skills, art, dramatic play, science and sensory exploration. Each area helps your children gain independence and further explore themes and concepts introduced in class with a hands-on, interactive approach.We introduce small group work and cooperative learning activities.

Preparatory Curriculum

Our Preparatory Curriculum involves two aspects: Handwriting without Tears and Zoo-phonics. Handwriting without Tears, introduces fun, stimulating lessons to encourage self confidence and taps into the fact that children learn easier when they’re actively involved. We also make children aware of  proper posture, and proper pencil grip. The Zoo-Phonics methodology fully involves your child’s eyes, ears, mouth and body as they learn phonemic awareness, the alphabet, and how to decode (read) and encode (spell and write).

A Typical Day for a KidzPlanet Preschooler

  • Exploring Learning Centers

  • Naptime

  • Making Friends

  • Story & Circle Time

  • Rhymes, Songs and Dances

  • Group Meal Time

  • Outdoor Play

  • Music and Performing Arts

  • Creative Arts Projects

  • Introduction to Handwriting Skills

  • Introduction to Mathematics and Scientific Concepts

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